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Zeemou Zeng EYE pieces are enchantingly joyful as well as beautiful. Each piece is designed with an eye in which the central stone turns from front to back and the colour magically changes, due to a different gemstone being set on each side.

Eye Hoop Earrings 18 karat Yellow Gold Black Onyx Emerald Diamond

zeemouzeng eye earring, hoop earring, gold
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ZEEMOU ZENG packaging   .jpg
zeemouzeng eye earring, hoop earring, gold
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ZEEMOU ZENG packaging   .jpg

Eye Hoop Earrings 18 karat Yellow Gold Black Onyx Emerald Diamond


Details: 18k yellow gold, onyx, emerald, white diamond. H:2.8cm, W:1cm

This design is detachable.

ZEEMOU ZENG carefully selects each of our collection gemstones. As they are natural, the colour may vary from one creation to another

With characteristic flair, ZEEMOU ZENG’S new fine jewellery collection, THE EYE, showcases this award winning, fine jewellery designer’s extraordinary talent to work with shapes, materials, texture and, his all-important signature, movement. Zeemou once again reinvents classic designs, translating them into powerful forms of expression through unexpected, and often playful, gemstone combinations and settings. 

THE EYE pieces are enchantingly joyful as well as beautiful. Each piece is designed with an eye in which the central stone turns from front to back and the colour magically changes, due to a different gemstone being set on each side. Ever the magician, the EYE collection, just like his first collection MELODY, captures an independent spirit and chic style which will appeal to both men and women. 

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